Move it back to ".\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\".Get the "savegame" folder that you saved earlier.Once finished installing run the updater to check for any new available update.A window will appear asking if you want to install WOL in to the detected directory or if you will like to install it into another directory (the install will automatically copy the aoe3 files over to the directory of your choice).Each time you run the game edit some setting to your liking.After game installation, startup 'Age of Empires 3, then war-chiefs and then The Asian dynasties'.

Install/reinstall Age of Empires 3 (a fresh install is recommend to minimize any mod installation errors)(HIGHLY RECOMMEND).If you have had Throne Room installed, you want to uninstall it, and delete the throne room folder and Wars of Liberty folder it created in your Age of Empires 3 directory.Ii) then to to ".\Documents\My Games\" and delete the 'Age of Empires 3' folder I) go to ".\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\" copy and put the 'savegame' folder in a safe place If you have saved cities/have played Age of Empires 3 on the current computer you're installing the mod on.In order to use the latest updater, you need to have the Java Runtime Environment installed in your PC.

If you play on a UNIX like OS (like Mac OS or Linux) Read Here on how to install the mod Join our Steam Group to find other Wars of Liberty players: Join Here

This Tutorial will teach you how to Install Wars of Liberty into your Age of Empires 3.